Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Wimping = failing to progress a scene by not adding to another improviser's offer. A wimper might accept an offer (aka, says "yes"), but does not add to the offer (say "and").


Peter: That's quite a farm cat you've got there.
Daryl: Yup, sure is.

Yes, Daryl's the wimper in this scenario. His answer doesn't do much to progress the scene. Now, Peter is the person who needs to continue making offers until Daryl does something with it.

Peter's given Daryl an improv gift, but noting that Daryl's got a farm cat in his hands. Daryl's accepted that gift, but not returned the favor. He's got infinite possibilities now, with that suggestion, and he chose to merely agree.

Wimping is not as bad as blocking. Blocking rejects and offer. Wimping takes the offer and does nothing with it. In other words, wimping is the passive aggressive cousin of blocking.

Possible outcomes of the scenario mentioned above, that don't wimp, but add to Peter's offer:

Peter: That's quite a farm cat you've got there.

1) Yeah, (breaks cat neck) and it's a shame he's got a club foot.
2) Yup, he's got the most amazing sense of smell.
3) He's an Arabian Mancoon. They're known for their anger and fierce appetite.

You see, where this is going. Merely agreeing isn't enough in improv. You have to continually add to the scene.

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